5 foods that help with morning bowel movement

Health News

07 Nov 2023
5 foods that help with morning bowel movement

      Many people often encounter problems with bowel movements, and our bodies should have regular bowel movements every day. This is because if we don't have regular bowel movements, it can lead to various health issues and may even cause organ dysfunction. If you have difficulty with bowel movements in the morning, today we have 5 foods that can help with "bowel movements."

  • Drink plain water as soon as you wake up: When we drink water on an empty stomach, our intestines function better.
  •  Drink coffee on an empty stomach: Coffee can help increase stomach acid, speeding up the digestion process and stimulating the intestines to work faster.
  • Consume sour milk or yogurt: These contain beneficial bacteria that can stimulate the digestive system.
  • Drink fruit juices like orange or lemon juice: Both of these fruits have properties that help stimulate the digestive system.
  • Eat fruits like bananas, oranges, and ripe papayas: Fruits are already beneficial for the body and can also improve bowel movements.

      Constipation not only affects the digestive system but can also impact other systems in the body. Self-care and lifestyle changes can help improve bowel movements. If you've tried these tips and haven't seen improvement, it's advisable to consult a doctor to identify any underlying causes.


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