5 tips to prepare to prevent "cracked skin" in winter

Health News

31 Oct 2023

5 tips to prepare to prevent "cracked skin" in winter

      As we enter the late year, many people may feel refreshed by the cool and comfortable weather brought by the cold breeze. However, the drop in temperature during the upcoming winter season can also lead to reduced moisture in everyone's skin. This can result in dry, cracked skin, peeling, and itching. Today, we have 5 tips to help you prepare and prevent cracked skin in the winter.

  • Avoid excessive hot showers: Taking multiple hot showers throughout the day with very warm water can harm your skin and lead to dryness. It's best to take showers at room temperature or slightly warm, no more than twice a day and for no longer than 15 minutes.
  • Use moisturizers or lotions for dry and cracked skin: Skin that has been exposed to cold winds for extended periods can become dry, cracked, and itchy. Nourish your skin with moisturizers or lotions that contain ingredients like collagen or natural extracts such as mineral water, lavender, and chamomile.
  • Apply sunscreen every time you leave the house: Even in the winter, direct sunlight and UV rays can directly impact your skin. Applying sunscreen at least 15-30 minutes before going outdoors is an effective way to protect your skin from UV radiation and associated skin problems.
  • Wear soft-touch clothing: Choose clothing that feels soft and comfortable on your skin. Avoid tight-fitting clothing that can cause irritation and discomfort to your skin. Fabrics like cotton and silk are good choices. If you need extra warmth, consider wearing animal-fiber clothing or synthetic fiber clothing designed for cold weather. However, these fabrics can sometimes cause skin irritation.
  • Consume fruits and vegetables high in water content: Eating fruits and vegetables that have high water content, such as cucumber, tomatoes, carrots, apples, oranges, kiwi, watermelon, and cantaloupe, can help maintain skin hydration.

      Dry skin doesn't have to lead to itching. By preparing yourself before heading out into the cold wind, you can prevent dry, cracked skin. If you experience itching along with dry skin, consult a dermatologist for proper treatment. Avoid scratching, as it can lead to skin irritation, inflammation, and secondary infections.


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