Extracting teeth and not wearing 'dentures', is it dangerous?

Health News

18 Apr 2023

Extracting teeth and not wearing 'dentures', is it dangerous?

      Many people after having their teeth removed understand that wearing dentures is only done for beauty, such as wearing only when pulling front teeth. But in fact, when extracting other teeth, dentists still recommend wearing dentures as well. If the tooth is extracted and not wearing dentures, let there be ‘Gaps between teeth’ can have the following negative effects:

  • Adjacent teeth of the teeth that have been pulled down or tilted into the gap
  • It affects the pair of teeth that don't match. Crashes while chewing and problems with chewing on one side
  • There are food scraps that get stuck between the teeth easily. Tooth decay or gingivitis can follow.

      It also makes teething problems. Resulting in insufficient chewing of food and also deforming the structure of the face. When calculating the damage that can occur if not wearing dentures, many people say that using that money to make dentures is much more economical, so wearing dentures is very important. Both aesthetics, chewing and overall oral health.


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