Fixed dentures Vs removable dentures, who is on which team?

Health News

11 Apr 2023

Fixed dentures Vs removable dentures, who is on which team?

      “Smile” is the first thing that impresses us at first sight. Anyone who has a problem doesn't have to be afraid and feel embarrassed anymore because nowadays we have good helpers like dentures to boost our confidence to smile fully again. Which team are you on? Removable dentures or fixed dentures. Here is compiled the advantages / disadvantages for everyone.



Removable dentures

  • Advantages of removable dentures
    • It can be easily removed and cleaned.
    • There is a cheap price.
    • Take time to do it fast and uncomplicated.
  • Disadvantages of removable dentures
    • May be annoying to wear because it can fall
    • Not quite beautiful because it has to be hooked.
    • Efficiency in chewing food is lower than other types of dentures.
    • There may be food scraps stuck under the dentures.
    • Hook-related tires may deteriorate over time. This will cause irritability when chewing food.



Fixed dentures

  • Advantages of fixed dentures
    • Beautiful, close to natural teeth
    • Strong, durable, not fragile
    • Efficient in chewing food close to natural teeth
    • Doesn't cause frustration and annoyance while chewing food.
  • Disadvantages of fixed dentures
    • There is a price that is quite expensive.
    • Cavities can occur under the crown if not cleaned well.



      If asked what type of dentures to wear, I would have to say that it depends on the suitability or needs of the person. But if recommended, it would be better to recommend wearing dentures, because it is similar to natural teeth, both in terms of effectiveness in chewing food or teeth. It also reduces frustration or annoyance, fear of falling off or moving while chewing food as well.



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