How are dental implants and dentures different?

Health News

10 Oct 2023

How are dental implants and dentures different?

      It's undeniable that a "smile" is the first thing that leaves an impression on us. On the flip side, an unattractive or missing-tooth smile can lead to self-doubt and hesitancy to smile. However, in today's era, we have many great solutions. Today, let's clarify the differences between dental implants and dentures.

  • Dental Implants involve creating prosthetic teeth in a secure manner by replacing lost natural teeth with implanted artificial roots. This provides a foundation for various types of artificial teeth that can mimic natural teeth, depending on the specific dental issues.
  • Dentures, on the other hand, are fabricated artificial teeth used to replace lost natural teeth. They come in two main types: fixed dentures for cases of partial tooth loss due to decay or fractures, and removable dentures for replacing missing teeth without the need for implanting roots into the bone, as in the case of dental implants.

      Dental implants and dentures differ in various aspects, from the treatment approach to materials and pricing. The choice between them largely depends on individual preferences and needs. If you prefer a simpler, cost-effective option and don't mind minor aesthetic differences, dentures might be your choice. On the other hand, if you have the budget, want a long-lasting, durable solution, and desire a natural look and feel, dental implants might be the better choice.


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