How are you prepared before donating blood ?

Health News

14 Aug 2022
How are you prepared before donating blood ?
      Blood donation It is a 450 ml phlebotomy, which does not affect the health of the donor. Because the body has to create blood cells and blood components to replace the lost parts. At present, nothing can be invented to replace blood. Therefore, it is necessary to donate blood. to obtain blood for use in the treatment of patients. Here is how to prepare before donating blood, to help reduce complications during blood donation resulting in good quality blood and safe for both the giver and the receiver.
  • Get enough sleep at regular bedtime.
  • in good health, not sick or not taking medicine.
  • Do not eat high-fat foods for at least 6 hours before donating blood.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours before donating blood.
  • Stop smoking 1 hour before and after donating blood.
      It is not difficult to prepare before coming to donate blood. You can be a part of helping fellow human beings, which can donate blood every 3 months can save the patient's life.

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