How to eat Christmas snacks for avoid with Tooth decay?

Health News

25 Dec 2022

How to eat Christmas snacks for avoid with Tooth decay?

      Christmas is the season that many children have been waiting for it. In addition, they decorated with various lights, the festival also offers sweet candies and desserts are packed. Many parents know that it’s bad for their children's teeth. They can be make them easily for tooth decay. However, sweets snacks are the reward and pleasure of the child. We have a way of eating snacks away from the teeth.

  • Keep snacks at the same meal as the main meal. Because, when you chewing food, there is more secretion of saliva that will help wash off sweets in the oral cavity.
  • Avoiding some sticky snacks and brush your teeth or chew fruits that contain fiber. To completely remove the sweets that are stuck on the sealant.
  • Avoiding some sweets snacks that have to stay in your mouth for long periods of time that take longer to dissolve in your mouth. If possible, you must choose a non-sugar-free one.
  • Eating frequently carries a high risk of tooth decay, so drink it all at once, so don't take more than 10 minutes.
  • Cheese can be reducing the risk of tooth decay and stimulates saliva secretion.
      The parents don't have to cut sweets out of their baby's life. But, they have to know how to eat that most importantly for them. Brushing your teeth every time after you eat sweet foods. If it's inconvenient, at least drink plain water accordingly. Upon returning home, he must  immediately brushed his teeth and regularly took his child to the dentist.
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