How to "exercise outside" to keep yourself away from the influenza?

Health News

22 Oct 2023
How to "exercise outside" to keep yourself away from the influenza?

      During the late rainy season and early winter, one ongoing concern is Influenza, which everyone should not overlook. Taking care of yourself through regular exercise is essential, as good health can help boost your immune system, prevent severe illnesses. Today, we have some tips for "exercising outdoors." How? Let's keep Influenza.

  • Avoid crowded places: Maintain a distance of at least 2 meters from others as coughs and sneezes can propel droplets further than usual due to running and wind.
  •  Always wear a face mask: While exercising outdoors or during breaks, evaluate if the exercise is too strenuous for you. If it's not too strenuous, it's advisable to wear a mask to prevent disease.
  • Wash hands with soap: Or use hand sanitizer regularly after exercising to eliminate germs on various surfaces you may have touched during your workout.
  • Do not gather or group during exercise: This includes avoiding large group activities like walking, running, or cycling, and refraining from spitting or blowing your nose on the ground.

      While Influenza may not be a severe illness, it's important to take precautions, especially during periods of heavy outbreaks. Regular exercise helps maintain constant good health. The most crucial step in preventing Influenza is getting a flu vaccine every year to boost your immunity.


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