How to treat "Dental Fluorosis" to be confident as before?

Health News

15 Jul 2023

How to treat "Dental Fluorosis" to be confident as before?

      Dental Fluorosis is a condition where teeth have abnormal appearances. Normally, tooth enamel should be a light, translucent yellowish-white color and appear smooth and hard. However, in cases of dental fluorosis, the enamel can become mottled, ranging from a cloudy white to yellow or even brown color. Severe cases of dental fluorosis can result in significant discoloration. Today, we have some treatment options for "Dental Fluorosis" to share with everyone.

  • Dental polishing with the use of remineralizing agents is suitable for individuals with mild symptoms.
  • Teeth whitening can be performed after microabrasion to reduce yellowish spots and improve teeth whiteness. This method is suitable for individuals with moderate symptoms.
  • Veneers can be applied to cover the front surface of affected teeth. This is suitable for individuals with severe symptoms, where tooth discoloration is prominent and widespread.
  • Dental bonding is a method that is suitable for individuals with severe symptoms, where the enamel layer has been significantly eroded. It helps restore the shape and size of the teeth, prevents tooth sensitivity, and allows for normal chewing.

      Dental fluorosis occurs when teeth are exposed to excessive amounts of fluoride over a long period of time. Fluoride is beneficial for preventing tooth decay when the body receives an appropriate amount (normally not exceeding 0.05 milligrams per kilogram of body weight). However, excessive fluoride can accumulate in the bloodstream and interfere with the formation of tooth enamel.

Information from : Healthmatch

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