Mooncakes Delicious! But Be Careful of Calories

Health News

08 Sep 2022
Mooncakes Delicious! ButBe Careful of Calories
      It is getting closer to Mid-Autumn Day and #mooncakes are a traditional Chinese pastry eaten during this festival. But you may be surprised to learn that moon cakes can actually be more unhealthy then you think. A single piece contains several kilocalories of energy.  Let's see how much energy the main fillings of a mooncake provide.
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  • Mixed-nuts filling contains 722 kcal of energy
  • Lotus seed filling contains 646 kcal of energy
  • Lotus seed with salted egg filling contains 677 kcal of energy
  • Durian filling contains 640 kcal of energy
  • Salted egg durian filling contains 673 kcal of energy
  • Jujube filling contains 577 kcal of energy
      #Recommendation It is recommended that if you eat mooncakes, you avoid other sweets and limit the amount of food you eat that day. Mooncakes should be eaten in smaller portions to avoid consuming more energy than the body requires, which can lead to weight gain, belly fat, and other chronic non-communicable diseases.

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