Observe whether you "Bruxism" or not.

Health News

11 Jun 2023

Observe whether you "Bruxism" or not.

      Bruxism is a function of the chewing system during sleep. The noise caused by bruxism often annoys people who sleep in the room. Most people who bruxism don't realize they are similar to those who snorer. Today we have a way to observe yourself whether you "grind your teeth" or not?

  •  Waking up with aching or tight jaw muscles, facial pain, or stiffness in the jaw area.
  • Experiencing tooth sensitivity or toothache in the morning after waking up.
  • Feeling like you wake up clenching or grinding your teeth during sleep.
  • Noticing tooth sensitivity to hot or cold stimuli and when brushing teeth.
  • Having inner cheek swelling or gum inflammation.

      The main cause of teeth grinding is often related to psychological factors such as stress and anxiety, which tend to occur during sleep without conscious awareness. Treatment options include dental treatments, therapy, and medication for managing the condition. It is recommended to consult a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable treatment approach.


Source : WebMD

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