"Pityriasis rosea" , A Rainy Season Disease that Pregnant Mothers Should Be Cautious About!

Health News

06 Aug 2023

"Pityriasis rosea" , A Rainy Season Disease that Pregnant Mothers Should Be Cautious About!

      Pityriasis rosea is a skin condition commonly found during the rainy season. Although it is not highly dangerous, it can cause discomfort for those who have it. If it occurs in pregnant women, there is an increased risk, and it may lead to preterm birth or miscarriage. This is the symptom of "Pityriasis rosea."

  • The rash appears as pink or brown spots.
  • The rash is 2-4 cm in size (the middle of the rash is small flaky).
  • The rash typically starts on the trunk, neck, arms, and upper legs.
  • The rash has a round or oval shape and often follows the skin's lines.

      If these symptoms are present, pregnant women should see a doctor immediately. Although Pityriasis rosea can resolve on its own, pregnant women should not overlook it and take proper care to avoid any complications. Especially during the first 15 weeks of pregnancy, as there is currently no known way to prevent Pityriasis rosea, and treatment will be provided based on the symptoms. For general cases where it is not severe, medication may not be necessary, but the rash should clear up on its own within 6-8 weeks.



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