PM 2.5 Air Pollution Returns How to Protect Yourself?

Health News

24 Jan 2025

PM 2.5 Air Pollution Returns How to Protect Yourself?
      PM 2.5 air pollution is back, a recurring issue that peaks every year around late January. While this is not a new problem, it remains a major health concern. PM 2.5 refers to fine particulate matter with a diameter of 2.5 microns or smaller, small enough to bypass nasal hairs and enter the bloodstream, affecting various organs. These particles have an irregular, cotton-like texture and can carry toxic substances such as cadmium, mercury, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, and carcinogens.

3 Warning Signs of PM 2.5 Allergies

  • Respiratory Issues Symptoms include nasal congestion, runny nose, aggravated allergies, coughing, sneezing, chest tightness, nosebleeds (without clear cause), and increased risk of respiratory infections such as pneumonia.
  • Eye Irritation PM 2.5 can cause redness, burning, excessive tearing, and irritation in the eyes.
  • Skin Reactions Symptoms include skin inflammation, rashes, itchy bumps, and redness, especially in individuals with chronic skin conditions such as eczema, urticaria (hives), and psoriasis, which may worsen with prolonged exposure.

Long-Term Health Risks of PM 2.5 Accumulation

  • Allergic Reactions & Sinus Issues Fine dust particles accumulate in the nasal passages and airways, causing irritation, sneezing, mucus buildup, and allergic reactions. Those with existing allergies may experience more frequent flare-ups.
  • Chronic Respiratory Diseases Prolonged exposure may cause persistent coughing (3-8 weeks or longer), thick mucus (white, yellow, or blood-streaked), difficulty breathing, and fatigue that interferes with daily life.
  • Cardiovascular Diseases PM 2.5 can enter the bloodstream, increasing the risk of vascular blockages and heart disease. Symptoms include chest pain, excessive sweating, palpitations, breathlessness, dizziness, fainting, or even sudden cardiac arrest.
  • Chronic Lung Diseases & Lung Cancer Long-term inhalation of PM 2.5 can lead to chronic cough, excessive phlegm, difficulty breathing, and fatigue. In severe cases, it may trigger lung cancer by spreading cancerous cells throughout the lungs.

Understanding PM 2.5 Levels & Health Precautions (AQI Guide)

  • 🔵Blue (0-25 AQI) Excellent air quality, safe for outdoor activities.
  • 🟢Green (26-50 AQI) Good air quality, no health effects, outdoor activities are safe.
  • 🟡Yellow (51-100 AQI) Moderate air quality; sensitive groups may experience mild irritation. Limit outdoor exposure if needed.
  • 🟠Orange (101-200 AQI) Unhealthy for sensitive groups and may cause irritation for all. Avoid prolonged outdoor activities.
  • 🔴Red (201+ AQI) Hazardous to health; all individuals should avoid outdoor exposure and use protective measures.

How to Protect Yourself from PM 2.5 Pollution

  • Wear Protective Masks Use N95 or KN95 masks, which effectively filter PM 2.5. Always wear a mask in high-pollution areas.
  • Limit Outdoor Activities Reduce outdoor exposure on high-pollution days. Check real-time AQI levels via apps or websites before heading outside.
  • Use Air Purifiers Invest in high-efficiency air purifiers to maintain clean indoor air quality and reduce PM 2.5 accumulation inside your home.
  • Seal Doors & Windows Prevent outdoor pollutants from entering by keeping windows and doors closed. Use damp cloths or air filters to cover ventilation gaps.

      Protect Your Health Get Checked for PM 2.5-Related Symptoms PM 2.5 is a serious environmental hazard that should not be ignored. Prolonged exposure can cause long-term health complications, making regular health check-ups and preventive measures essential. If you experience allergic reactions or respiratory symptoms, Ratchasima Hospital is here to help!



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