Procedures for making "Dental Crown" that you should know

Health News

05 Sep 2023

Procedures for making "Dental Crown" that you should know

      Dental crown placement involves rebuilding teeth that have been damaged, fractured, or previously underwent root canal treatment by using tightly-fitted artificial crowns. This process aims to strengthen the tooth, restore its aesthetic appearance, and maintain its original functionality. For individuals advised by their dentist to get a dental crown, questions might arise about the steps involved and the number of appointments required. Today, we have the answers for everyone.

  • Appointment 1: Treatment Planning
    • Consultation with an experienced dentist to understand the patient's concerns and needs regarding the dental crown.
    • The dentist conducts an X-ray and assesses the condition of the patient's gums and teeth to formulate a treatment plan.
    • After discussing the treatment plan, the dentist prepares the tooth for the crown by addressing any decay.
    • Impressions of the teeth are taken, or a dental scan is performed to create a temporary crown for the patient to try on.
    • The dentist sends the dental information to the dental laboratory to create the permanent crown.
  • Appointment 2: Placement of the Dental Crown (Approximately 1 week after the first appointment)
    • The dentist evaluates the fit of the dental crown to ensure it meets the patient's needs. Adjustments are made if necessary.
    • Bite assessment, refining the edges of the crown, and making final adjustments.
    • Once the temporary crown meets the patient's satisfaction, the permanent crown is cemented in place, completing the treatment.
  • Appointment 3: Follow-up and Treatment Evaluation
    • The dentist schedules an appointment to monitor the patient's progress, addressing any issues that may arise, such as bite problems or discomfort.
    • This appointment also includes evaluating the patient's satisfaction with the dental crown and the overall treatment outcome.



      Dental crowns are an option for individuals with dental issues that go beyond fillings or root canal treatments. They offer the advantage of enhancing the strength and functionality of the affected tooth while maintaining a natural appearance. Various materials can be chosen based on location and specific requirements. However, it's important to note that, like natural teeth, dental crowns can experience wear and damage over time.



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