Review of Dental Bridge/Crown Case

Health News

22 Jun 2023
Review of Dental Bridge/Crown Case

      Review of Dental Bridge/Crown Case  By Dr.Pinyapat Inthaphan, DDS

"The patient can chew food much better than before and smile confidently."

      Patient Information: A 62-year-old female patient has a dental appointment at the Special Dentistry Department of Chiang Mai Hospital. She wants to get dental bridges and crowns. Her treatment history includes removable dentures, but she experiences difficulty in chewing food and is not satisfied with the appearance of metal clasps. The patient is from another country and will be in Thailand for approximately 3 weeks.

      The dentist will perform the treatment by using full zirconia dental bridges, which are strong and aesthetically pleasing. The treatment will involve 5 upper bridges and 3 lower bridges, requiring three sessions to complete within 2 weeks.

  • Session 1: Temporary crown placement and plaque removal, taking approximately 40 minutes.
  • Session 2: Preparation and impression of the 5 upper bridges and 3 lower bridges. The dentist will send the impressions to the hexa ceram lab. This session will take 2 hours and 30 minutes.
  • Session 3: After 7 days, the temporary bridges will be removed, and the permanent bridges will be bonded in place using dental adhesive. This will be done for both the upper and lower bridges to ensure proper bite alignment.


  • Please make an appointment in advance at least 1 business day before receiving the service.
  • Terms and conditions apply as determined by the hospital.





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