Shock Wave Focus by Rehabilitation Medicine Specialist

Health News

19 Jun 2024

Shock Wave Focus by Rehabilitation Medicine Specialist 

      Treatment by Dr. Poonchida Boonyakorapiticha, a rehabilitation medicine specialist and physical therapist.

What Conditions Can Shock Wave Therapy (Shock Wave) Treat?

  • Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Shoulder pain, back pain, hip pain radiating down the leg
  • Chronic heel pain (heel spur) or Achilles tendonitis
  • Knee pain from sports injuries
  • Chronic muscle pain in the neck, shoulders, and back
  • Office syndrome

Contraindications for Shock Wave Therapy

  • Children
  • Pregnant women
  • Areas with infection
  • Patients with pacemakers
  • Areas with aneurysms
  • Areas with tumors
  • Areas with nerve inflammation

Shock Wave Therapy Process

      Treatment is performed by a specialist. The machine works by sending shock waves into the painful area to stimulate new injuries in the muscles and tendons, prompting the body to repair the tissue. This reduces pain by decreasing the amount of pain neurotransmitters and stimulating the release of pain-reducing substances. Results can be immediate, especially in cases of mild symptoms or early stages of conditions.

      Treatment Outcomes Patients may experience a pain reduction of nearly 50% or complete relief after the first session (in cases of mild symptoms or early-stage conditions). Subsequent treatments should be spaced 1-2 weeks apart to allow the body to naturally repair chronic inflammation. The total number of treatments typically ranges from 2-5 sessions, depending on the severity of the condition.


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