technique! How do you drink coffee? Don't let "yellow teeth"

Health News

03 Jul 2023

technique! How do you drink coffee? Don't let "yellow teeth"

      Coffee is an acidic beverage that can erode the enamel coating on our teeth when consumed, leading to tooth discoloration. In addition, tea and coffee contain chromogens, substances that can cause stains on teeth when consumed in high amounts. Today, we have some tips on how to prevent "tooth discoloration" when drinking coffee.

  • Use a straw: Using a straw can reduce direct contact between coffee and the surface of our teeth.
  • Add milk: The color of coffee determines how much staining it can cause on our teeth. Adding milk can lighten the color of coffee and stimulate saliva production. Additionally, milk contains calcium and phosphorus, which help protect the enamel from coffee erosion.
  • Drink water: Rinsing your mouth with plain water is a good practice to dilute and wash away tannins and chromogens that may adhere to the tooth surface.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables: Consuming fruits and vegetables like apples, oranges, carrots, cucumbers, or celery can stimulate saliva production and help clean our teeth.

      The modern lifestyle of coffee consumption has led to the problem of "tooth discoloration," which can affect self-confidence and make many people uncertain. It is recommended to try the aforementioned methods to address tooth discoloration. Additionally, after finishing your coffee, wait for approximately 15 minutes before brushing your teeth with whitening toothpaste. This will allow your teeth to remineralize before cleaning, helping to maintain their natural whiteness.
Source: Orthodontics Australia

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