Tooth sensitivity resulting from "Abfraction" should not be underestimated.

Health News

30 Sep 2023
Tooth sensitivity resulting from "Abfraction" should not be underestimated.

      Tooth sensitivity can be an obstacle that causes discomfort when eating. Sometimes, your favorite dish may be right in front of you, but you can't fully enjoy it. Just one bite can make your face cringe due to tooth sensitivity. One common cause of tooth sensitivity is tooth enamel erosion, which is a condition to be aware of. Here are some factors that can contribute to abfraction.

  • Brushing Incorrectly: Improper tooth brushing techniques, often aggressively brushing horizontally on the front teeth, can damage tooth enamel and gums unknowingly.
  • Using Hard-Bristled Toothbrushes: Believing that a good toothbrush should have hard bristles is a misconception. Tooth cleaning doesn't require hard scrubbing like cleaning a container or a floor.
  • Consuming High-Acidity Foods: Foods with a high acid content, such as sour foods, fruit juices, or carbonated drinks, can contribute to enamel erosion.
  • Chewing on Hard Objects: Chewing on hard objects like chicken bones, biting into hard fruits with tough peels, or enjoying sour candies can affect the enamel and cause sensitivity.
  • Teeth Grinding: People who grind their teeth habitually may often experience tooth sensitivity.

      While some treatments may alleviate abfraction and related symptoms, they often can't fully restore teeth that have undergone erosion or suffered partial tissue loss to their original condition. It's essential to take regular care of your oral health. If you experience any abnormalities, don't hesitate to consult a dentist for a proper diagnosis and ongoing treatment to maintain a bright smile and strong teeth for enjoying your favorite foods happily.



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