Watch out! Dengue fever spreads heavily during the rainy season.

Health News

20 Aug 2024

Watch out! Dengue fever spreads heavily during the rainy season.

      Dengue fever is caused by the Dengue Virus, transmitted to humans by female Aedes mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are present year-round, but their population surges during the rainy season when stagnant water and humid conditions create ideal breeding grounds.

Symptoms of Dengue Fever to Watch Out For:
  • Appearance of blood spots on the body  
  • Sudden high fever  
  • Fatigue  
  • Nausea and vomiting  
  • Loss of appetite  
  • Abdominal pain and diarrhea

Severity Levels of Dengue Fever:

  • Level 1 :  High fever without blood spots. Manageable at home by frequently sponging the body and drinking plenty of water.  
  • Level 2 : If the patient can eat and drink, hospital visits are unnecessary. (If unable to eat or drink, bring them to the hospital for close monitoring.)  
  • Level 3 : Weak and rapid pulse, cold hands and feet, pale face, and restlessness indicate low blood pressure. Bring the patient to the hospital immediately for diagnosis.  
  • Level 4 : Severe drop in blood pressure, inability to measure blood pressure, or shock. Bring the patient to the hospital immediately.

Preventing Dengue Fever :

  • Keep the area around your home clean and free of standing water in containers and soil depressions.  
  • Use insect repellent sprays.  
  • Keep guppy fish in water ponds.  
  • Dispose of trash properly and seal garbage bags to prevent mosquito breeding grounds.
  • Check doors and windows to reduce entry points for mosquitoes.

      Currently, there is no specific medication to eliminate the dengue virus. Treatment focuses on managing symptoms. The severity of symptoms varies depending on the individual and the virus strain. Most patients recover within 7-8 days, but some may experience severe symptoms or shock. Prompt medical attention can lead to full recovery. Close monitoring, especially for young children and the elderly, is crucial.


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