What is a medical certificate for 5 diseases?

Health News

06 Jul 2023

What is a medical certificate for 5 diseases?

      Currently, when it comes to entering employment or enrolling in institutions, it is necessary to undergo various health screenings or physical examinations. Having good health and being free from serious contagious diseases is often a required qualification. Today, we are here to clarify the question regarding the 5 diseases that require a medical certificate. What diseases are screened for?

  • Tuberculosis in the infectious stage
  • Elephantiasis
  • Diseases caused by substance abuse
  • Chronic alcoholism
  • Other severe or debilitating diseases or conditions that significantly impede work or studies

      To ensure accurate and purposeful screenings, individuals undergoing the examinations should be informed or request a list of the required tests and other relevant details from their respective affiliations. This will ensure comprehensive and complete examinations with proper documentation of results, which can be used for employment or further education purposes.


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