What kind of back pain indicates what disease?

Health News

29 Oct 2023
What kind of back pain indicates what disease?

      When experiencing back pain, many people choose to ignore it or simply take pain relief medication to alleviate the symptoms. There are numerous diseases associated with back pain, and it often occurs as frequently as headaches. General back pain is typically a result of behaviors such as prolonged sitting, heavy lifting, or excessive exercise. However, if you experience the following symptoms, it may be a warning sign of an underlying health issue or disease:

  •  Sudden and sharp back pain over a wide area: This often results from overuse of the muscles in the back due to activities like bending, lifting, heavy sports, or direct back impact from an accident, causing sudden and acute back strain.
  • Persistent, dull back pain within the spine: A significant sign of degenerative Spondylosis, in the early stages, this may not exhibit any obvious pain. Patients become aware of this pain when there's significant deterioration in the joints connecting the upper and lower parts of the spine, leading to a limited range of motion and stiffness.
  • Back pain radiating down the legs, worsened by coughing, sneezing, or bending: This may indicate a condition where the Herniated disc press against nerves or nerve roots due to a herniated disc or spinal stenosis. It causes severe back pain, worsened by certain movements.
  • Back pain above the waistline on both sides: Pain in this area often suggests internal issues such as kidney diseases, Gall Stone, or the presence of fluid-filled sacs in the kidneys, which can affect overall health and lead to high blood pressure. Additionally, disorders related to the stomach, intestines, uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries can also cause pain in this region.
  • Unexplained back pain with a fever: When experiencing persistent back pain without a known cause, along with symptoms like fatigue and overall weakness, it might be a sign of infection, such as bacterial or spinal tuberculosis.

      These symptoms are just some of the causes of back pain. What's important is not to ignore them. If you're unable to identify the cause of your back pain, observe if you've had continuous back pain for more than 6 weeks. If so, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation.


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