Why "eating grilled buffet" is at risk of gastrointestinal cancer

Health News

13 Aug 2023

Why "eating grilled buffet" is at risk of gastrointestinal cancer

      BBQ or grilled buffets are favorite meals for many people, but did you know that while enjoying grilled food, you may be increasing the risk of developing gastrointestinal cancers, such as colorectal or gastric cancer? Today, let's find out how eating "barbecued pork" can pose a risk of gastrointestinal cancer.

      High-temperature cooking: Studies have found that food cooked at high temperatures, such as directly exposed to flames, can produce cancer-causing substances known as PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons). These substances form when fat from the meat drips onto the hot charcoal, creating smoke containing cancer-causing agents that then adhere to the meat.



      High-fat beef and pork: Red meat with high-fat content is associated with cancer development, such as colorectal cancer, due to the link between high-fat diets and cancer.



      Intensely flavored food: Processed meats marinated with concentrated seasonings often contain high levels of sodium, which is also a contributing factor to cancer development.



      Avoiding "barbecued pork" altogether may be challenging since it is a popular choice nowadays. However, we can make healthier choices to reduce the risk of cancer. If you enjoy grilled food frequently, consider reducing the frequency of consumption and incorporating more beneficial foods into your diet.



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